
How race shaped America's roadways and cities
An expert in urban planning and environmental policy explains how race has played a central role in how cities across America developed — often in ways that hurt minority communities.
Life of an essential worker: Bus drivers
Nearly 100 U.S. transit workers have died from the coronavirus, according to an investigation by the Guardian US. And that number could increase. Metro Transit bus drivers are spending hours in a confined space with strangers. Bus driver Kari Sachs joined the program to talk about what it’s like to work during the pandemic. 
U.S. roadway death rate up in March despite virus restrictions
The National Safety Council says that based on preliminary figures from states, the number of fatal crashes per 100 million miles driven rose an “alarming” 14 percent compared with March of 2019. 
The people flying during the pandemic - and how airlines are trying to protect them
Planes are carrying medical personnel, essential workers and people returning from abroad or visiting critically ill relatives. Airlines are blocking middle seats and taking other safety measures.
The pandemic emptied American roads — But driving is picking back up
Miles driven in the U.S. plummeted remarkably in the middle of March — dropping by 30 percent in a single week. Now driving is slowly resuming, a trend that began before stay-at-home orders were lifted.