
Monday vote for new transit finance package
The Minnesota House Transportation Finance Committee is expected to vote Monday on a transportation spending bill that would allow all counties to impose a half-cent sales tax and a $10 annual vehicle registration fee to pay for infrastructure improvements.
Metro counties ponder Dayton's proposed transit tax
Transit supporters and opponents are reacting to a call by Gov. Dayton for a new quarter cent sales tax for the seven-county metro area. The money raised would go toward funding more transit projects in the region, including light rail and bus lines.
Transportation needs go unmet for lack of funds
State and local transportation officials meet Thursday to discuss the long list of bridge and highway projects that are waiting for funding. But they know that the wish list is much longer -- and more expensive -- than the state can afford. That means many highway improvements that should be done, won't be.
Lawmaker calls for higher gas tax
A member of the state Senate Transportation Committee says Minnesota will have to raise its gasoline tax to help pay for roads and bridges.
Pawlenty wants Minnesota to test mileage tax
State officials say Minnesota is working on a pilot program to test the idea of charging drivers for each mile they drive. Other states around the country are considering a vehicle mileage tax, as revenues from the gas tax are expected to decline.