
You might have thought the discussion of a new Vikings stadium at the Capitol was over last May. But the financing plan for the new stadium is off to a slow start. The House Commerce Committee is will assess its progress this week at the Capitol.
Lance Armstrong tells Oprah Winfrey he doped
Lance Armstrong has finally come clean. After years of bitter and forceful denials, he offered a simple "I'm sorry" to friends and colleagues and then admitted he used performance-enhancing drugs during an extraordinary cycling career that included seven Tour de France victories.
A troubling trend for electronic pull tabs
Players in Minnesota bet about $4.1 million through the end of 2012, according to the data. But there's some troubling aspects to the games hidden in the numbers: the per-day gross fell to about $180 for the life of the games. That's far, far short of the $225 a day experts were projecting.
AP source: Armstrong tells Oprah he doped
Lance Armstrong confessed to Oprah Winfrey during an interview Monday that he used performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France, a person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press.
The lay of the Vikings stadium land
The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority is taking stock of the land around the Metrodome. The agency issued a request for proposals from surveyors today, to lay out the boundaries, topography and utilities for 13 parcels in downtown Minneapolis.
Eric Roper says Ryan and Wells Fargo are still kicking the tires of the newspaper’s property — presumably the chunk west of Park Avenue that isn’t being eyed for a public stadium plaza, with an eye toward commercial redevelopment. And, as is often the case in the Twin Cities downtowns, the developers may be looking for a…
Ryan gets Lowertown ballpark nod
Ryan Cos. was picked to build the new Lowertown ballpark, for the second time today. The first no-bid effort got tossed out, thanks in part to a legal challenge. But Ryan won the deal anway, in a three-way race that some sad was a foregone conclusion, anyway.
Morris, Clemens rejected; no one elected to BB Hall
Steroid-tainted stars Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa have been denied entry to baseball's Hall of Fame with voters failing to elect any candidates for only the second time in four decades.