Election 2024

Which primary candidate most closely aligns with your views? We made a quiz to help you find out

People lean over their ballots to vote at voting booths.
Voters cast their ballots at Temple Israel polling station on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, in Minneapolis, Minn.
Kerem Yücel | MPR News

Minnesota’s primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 13. Voters will determine which Democratic and Republican candidates will be on the ballot for the general election in November.

Not sure where to vote, if you’re registered or who is on your ballot? MPR News created an election FAQ that will answer those questions.

Now, let’s dig deeper and explore which candidates on your ballot best align with your top issues and political beliefs.

Select a candidate quiz for Minnesota voters

For the primary, MPR News surveyed primary candidates and gathered information on the state’s contested races.

Before you cast your vote, take a closer look at the candidates on your ballot.

U.S. Senate

DFL — Sen. Amy Klobuchar (incumbent), Steve Carlson, Ahmad Hassan, George Kalberer and Ole Savior are running in the U.S. Senate DFL primary. Take the quiz

GOP — John Berman, Loner Blue, Joe Fraser, Alycia Gruenhagen, Patrick Munro, Raymond Petersen, Christopher Seymore and Royce White are running in the U.S. Senate Republican primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 1

GOP — Rep. Brad Finstad (incumbent), Gregory Goetzman and Shawn Tweten are running in the U.S. House District 1 Republican primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 2

DFL — Rep. Angie Craig (incumbent) and Marc Ives are running in the U.S. House District 2 DFL primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 4

GOP — Gene Rechtzigel and May Lor Xiong are running in the U.S. House District 4 Republican primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 5

DFL — Rep. Ilhan Omar (incumbent), Abena McKenzie, Don Samuels and Nate Schluter are running in the U.S. House District 5 DFL primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 6

GOP — Tom Emmer (incumbent) and Chris Corey are running in the U.S. House District 6 Republican primary. Take the quiz

DFL — Jeanne Hendricks and Austin Winkelman are running in the U.S. House District 6 DFL primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 7

GOP — Michelle Fischbach (incumbent), Steve Boyd and Annette Watson are running in the U.S. House District 7 Republican primary. Take the quiz

U.S. House District 8

GOP — Pete Stauber (incumbent) and Harry Welty are running in the U.S. House District 8 Republican primary. Take the quiz

DFL — John Munter and Jen Schultz are running in the U.S. House District 8 DFL primary. Take the quiz

State Senate, District 45 special election

DFL — Kyle Meinen, Emily Reitan and Ann Johnson Stewart are running in the DFL primary. Take the quiz

Don’t see the primary race you’re looking for? Check out our list of competitive primary races.