Minnesota Arts

A novel ended George Rabasa's writing career — and then jolted it back to life
George Rabasa’s novel “Undressing Lavinia,” the story of a Mexican woman facing cancer in Minnesota, was so tough to get down on the page, he quit writing entirely. Then a chance glance on his computer gave the book and his writing a new lease on life.
Minneapolis artist's Día de los Muertos designs break new ground as Postal Service stamps
Luis Fitch’s design of a Day of the Dead U.S. postage stamp makes a nationwide debut Thursday. It’s the first U.S. stamp to feature the early November celebration of the dead.
Art Hounds hearken back to the 60s
“Summer of Love” is a live, 1960s music and light show. “The Uncertainty Principle” explores the ripple effect of the Vietnam War. Plus, the Austin Artworks Festival is back this weekend with music and art.
'I love supporting my people'
Craft and maker markets give artists an opportunity to not only sell their work, but to gather with one another. In the Twin Cities, a new group is hosting events meant explicitly to share the work of Black, Indigenous and brown artists. 
Art Hounds celebrate summer performances, and an indoor escape from the heat
Walking Shadow Theatre Co. puts on “Reboot,” a virtual interactive play with puzzles. The Zephyr Theatre’s “Mamma Mia!” uses the St Croix River as a backdrop. Plus, a performance by Minneapolis singer Brooke Elizabeth.
10 Minnesota cultural organizations led by people of color get $500,000 each
Ten Minnesota cultural organizations including Theater Mu, Mizna and Juxtaposition Arts will each receive unrestricted grants of at least half a million dollars under a new philanthropic program announced Tuesday.
Minnesota artist uses ancient techniques to create portraits of 'Women of Faith'
Minnesota artist Mark Balma is drawing on ancient techniques to create three huge frescoes for a church in Italy. He planned to do the work on site, but the pandemic intervened. As he faced a modern challenge, he turned to an approach developed more than 2,000 years ago.
Art Hounds: Landscapes and memory-scapes
Artists and art appreciators this week also recommend a streaming show from Theater Latté Da, which invites artists to perform favorite show tunes outside of their “type” and a retrospective of renowned Duluth artist Carl Gawboy, Bois Forte Anishinaabe storyteller and scholar.