Getting to Green: Minnesota's energy future

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Minnesota officials have set an ambitious goal for the state to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

Getting there will require generating our electricity from clean sources such as wind and solar, and electrifying vehicles, homes, office buildings, factories and farms that currently rely on fossil fuels.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future is a MPR News series digging deep into stories of the clean energy transition — and the opportunities and obstacles to reach that milestone.

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Surge of interest in K-12 Solar for Schools program
More K-12 school districts are installing solar energy systems, saving them thousands of dollars in utility bills. But initial startup costs can halt a lot of them in their tracks. A state grant program allows more districts to make the transition to solar energy.
Digesters make renewable energy from manure, but face hurdles
Danish company Nature Energy planned to build several large-scale anaerobic digesters in Minnesota and Wisconsin that would harvest methane from livestock waste to produce biogas. Those plans are now on hold. But experts say there’s plenty of potential to turn methane from manure from a liability into a commodity.
Rochester bets on geothermal to power a green future
Since June, construction workers in Rochester, Minn., have been drilling deep wells that will eventually be part of a large geothermal network meant to heat and cool multiple buildings downtown. These systems aren’t an option for every city. But in locations that have the right geologic conditions, it’s a climate-friendly way to heat and cool.
Morris is a small Minnesota town with big climate goals
Morris is getting national attention for efforts to embrace the clean energy transition. It’s a leader in the push for clean energy by taking a practical local approach to a global challenge.
Minnesota manufacturer finds gold in green hydrogen, electrolyzers
A manufacturing facility in Fridley, Minn., has been getting national attention from green energy advocates, including President Joe Biden, because of its production of electrolyzers, which are key to producing hydrogen using renewable energy.
A year in, landmark U.S. climate policy drives energy transition but hurdles remain
One year ago, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, directing hundreds of billions of dollars to speed the transition away from fossil fuels.
Making sure Minnesota gets its share of green energy money
As part of our “Getting to Green” series, the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s Pete Wyckoff talks about the amount of federal funding available to accelerate the transition to a clean economy, and his role in making sure Minnesota gets its share of the money
The challenge, and opportunity, of 'getting to green' in Minnesota
While many people are in favor of moving towards a so-called green economy through reducing our dependence on climate change causing fossil fuels, the realities of making that move are complex. Margaret Cherne-Hendrick who works for Fresh Energy, a St. Paul-based clean energy nonprofit, says the transition offers challenges and opportunities.
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