
Feeling burned out? Here’s how a Minnesota doctor sang about it
What do you do when work starts to feel like a grind? One Twin Cities doctor wrote a musical about it. MPR News guest host Chris Farrell talks about finding meaning at work and ways to handle burnout. 
Nurses' staffing issue to move as separate bill at Minnesota Capitol
Legislative negotiators at the Minnesota Capitol have agreed to consider a nurse staffing bill separately from a larger health care funding bill as time runs short in the legislative session.
Smoky skies have prompted an air quality alert for all of Minnesota. What does it mean?
An air quality alert is in effect for all of Minnesota through 6 a.m. Friday, as smoke from Canadian wildfires continues to blanket the state. What does the alert mean, and what should you do?
Beyond the 'abortion pill': Real-life experiences of individuals taking mifepristone
Ahead of oral arguments in a federal appeals court over access to mifepristone, more than 150 people shared stories with NPR about how they used the medication — and how it changed their lives.
Queer Youth Resilience & Mental Health
Queer teens and young adults are experiencing a rise in LGBTQ+ discrimination. What’s the impact on their mental health and what supports their wellbeing? MPR News shares a one-hour broadcast special hosted by Kimberly Adams, “Call to Mind: Queer Youth Resilience & Mental Health.”