
Queer Youth Resilience & Mental Health
Queer teens and young adults are experiencing a rise in LGBTQ+ discrimination. What’s the impact on their mental health and what supports their wellbeing? MPR News shares a one-hour broadcast special hosted by Kimberly Adams, “Call to Mind: Queer Youth Resilience & Mental Health.”
Walz signs $240 million lead pipe removal bill 
Minnesota lawmakers are committing hundreds of millions of dollars to get lead out of drinking water throughout Minnesota. But Minneapolis, with 47,000 private lead service lines, estimates it will take much more money to take care of all of them.
Life-saving or stigmatizing? Parents wrestle with obesity treatment options for kids
New weight-loss medications and bariatric surgery have the potential to spare children health and social problems. But some parents think they're sending kids the wrong message about their bodies.
Minnesota legislators add hospital carve-out to nurse staffing bill
The change appears to be aimed at addressing the concerns of Mayo Clinic and other hospitals about committees that would create staffing plans for their nurses, as well as other issues.
Negotiators settle on Minnesota marijuana taxes, possession limits
Members of a conference committee working on a bill to legalize marijuana have reached agreement on some key issues and are expected to settle on a final version of the legislation as early as Tuesday.
Almost all Minnesota workers may get paid time off for family and medical leave 
MPR News guest host Chris Farrell talked with a reporter and two experts about how the proposed state-run insurance program would work and how it could affect small businesses.