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People of color experience a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 cases and deaths. In Minnesota, deaths from COVID-19 have been concentrated in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
After Minnesota schools shut their doors at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 10,000 families decided to educate their children at home. Five years later, the number of homeschoolers statewide is even higher.
Like Minneapolis, St. Paul and other cities around the country, Duluth hopes to revitalize its downtown through new housing, to bring new residents to an urban core that was abandoned by thousands of workers who didn’t come back to the office after COVID.
On March 13, 2020, Gov. Tim Walz declared the COVID-19 pandemic a peacetime emergency. Five years later, an expert says we still haven’t fully processed the lives lost to the pandemic.
On March 13, 2020, Gov. Tim Walz declared the COVID-19 pandemic a peacetime emergency. Five years later, Minnesotans look back on the early days of the public health crisis and the mark it left on their lives.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, wastewater sampling wasn't routinely done for public health purposes. But as the case number climbed scientists and public health officials saw the value of getting a sneak peek of where the virus was spreading, and where the next hot spot might be.
Dr. John Hick saw Minnesota’s busiest emergency department fill with patients, many struggled to breathe. Five years later, health care is still dealing with the pandemic’s aftermath.
Five years ago, news of a fast-spreading respiratory virus was making headlines in the United States. In Minnesota, public health expert Michael Osterholm was keeping close tabs.