
United Airlines CEO tries to reassure customers that the airline is safe
In a memo to customers, CEO Scott Kirby tried to reassure travelers that safety is the airline's top priority. He said the airline was already planning an extra day of training for pilots.
Uber and Lyft might leave Minneapolis. Could a statewide rideshare app be the solution?
Twin Cities customers and drivers with Uber and Lyft are bracing for both rideshare companies to stop service in the metro once a Minneapolis ordinance boosting pay goes into effect May 1. Sen. Omar Fateh is proposing a statewide service as a solution.
Lessons from Texas as Uber and Lyft threaten to leave the Twin Cities like they did there
Uber and Lyft are threatening to stop service in the Twin Cities. And they’ve done it before in Austin, Texas — only to return a year later.
Minneapolis City Council overrides Frey’s veto on ordinance boosting rideshare driver pay
The ordinance, expected to go into effect on May 1, will boost rideshare driver pay. Uber and Lyft say that will make the services too expensive for many riders.
Metro Transit police chief: ‘Transit is a small window of the larger societal issues in Minnesota’
Light rail trains and most buses in the Twin Cities have fewer riders than before the pandemic, and crime is still a challenge. MPR News host Angela Davis talks with two Metro Transit leaders about how they’re trying to turn things around.
Boeing whistleblower John Barnett, who raised alarm over plane quality, is found dead
John Barnett made headlines when he went public, saying he wouldn’t trust planes made in South Carolina to be airworthy. His family says Barnett suffered PTSD and anxiety from his work at Boeing.
Minneapolis City Council votes to boost rideshare driver pay by veto proof majority
The ordinance boosts rideshare driver pay to 51 cents per minute and $1.40 a mile, with a minimum of $5 for each fare. Mayor Jacob Frey has announced he’ll issue a veto.
FAA audit faults Boeing for 'multiple instances' of quality control shortcomings
The findings, part of a six-week audit by the FAA, singled out both Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems in the wake of January's in-flight door plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 jet.